Bibliographic Tools: Databases

The Jahrbuch Project (1868-1942). It provides a database of the "Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte der Mathematik" (JFM) and a digital archive of the most important mathematical publications of the period 1868-1942.

Zentralblatt für Mathematik (1931-present). This database is edited by the European Mathematical Society, the FIZ Karlsruhe, and the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences. It is established in cooperation with Math Doc Cell (France).

MR Lookup. This is a tool for verifying references and for adding links to MathSciNet, in many cases indirectly adding links to original papers.

JSTOR Database. The site maintains a demo version that currently includes only volumes from three journals through 1921: The American Economic Review, Philosophical Review, and Transactions of the American Mathematical Society.

Search Notices of the AMS. This Journal is one of the world's most widely read periodicals for professional mathematicians. In addition to publishing expository articles about mathematics research, information and news pertaining to the mathematics profession, and opinion pieces on a range of topics, the Notices serves as the journal of record for the AMS.

Mathematical Didactics (1976-present). This database is edited by the European Mathematical Society, FIZ Karlsruhe, and Zentrum für Didaktik der Mathematik at Karlsruhe University. It is established in cooperation with Math Doc Cell (France).

MathNet.preprints. The Mathematics Preprint Search System. This is a searchable index of preprints from different servers.

Math-Net.journals. Mathematical Journals in WWW. You may retrieve journals by their titles, and retrieve articles by authors or by content.

Electronic Geometry Models. This archive is open for any geometer to publish new geometric models, or to browse this site for material to be used in education and research. The geometry models in this archive cover a broad range of mathematical topics from geometry, topology, and to some extent from numerics. Examples are geometric surfaces, algebraic surfaces, topological knots, simplicial complexes, vector fields, curves on surfaces.

MathGate. This is an Internet Resource Catalogue for mathematics and is freely available. MathGate reviews and describes electronic mathematics resources and classifies them by subject (algebra, analysis, etc..) and by type (journals, societies, research centres, etc.). Users of MathGate can search for sites or browse by subject or type. (Greig Fratus)

MathGuide. This site is an Internet-based subject gateway to scholarly relevant information in mathematics, located at the Lower Saxony State- and University Library, Göttingen (Germany). It currently has over 1100 records, mainly in the area of pure mathematics.

MathNet. It is also concerned with mathematics information on the web. They have designed a standard web page template for mathematics departments which is used by some institutions in Germany and the UK as a "secondary" homepage. This standard template is designed to allow information available in mathematics departments to be more easily accessible. (Greig Fratus)

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