By Eduardo Rojas
The Work of the IDB in Urban Development

Operating in the most urbanized of developing regions, the Inter-American Development Bank has devel-oped a large and complex portfolio of urban loans. The Bank’s contribution to urban development in Latin America and the Caribbean is linked to its origins... More information

GEO Latin America and the Caribbean: Environment Outlook 2003
The global scene is quite different today to how it was in 2000 when the first Environment Outlook
for Latin America and the Caribbean was published. Security has become the main agenda for the
global community, making it even more difficult to ensure adequate coverage and financing of environmental issues... More information

The Spanish Mediterranean port city of Barcelona is preparing to receive some 2,000 to 3,000 delegates representing governments, local authorities, non-governmental organisations and other experts on urban issues from around the world for the second gathering of UN-HABITAT's World Urban Forum 13-17 September 2004.Held every two years, the forum is a key event on the international calendar,7 a new ground-breaking global initiative to address and keep abreast of the main challenge of the new Millennium - our planet's transition to an urban world. The theme of this year's forum is: Cities: Crossroads of cultures, inclusiveness and integration?
More information (official site) / Brochure(350 kb)

It was approved the MERCOSUR Agreement on Environment, where Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay reafirm their committment to the Rio 92 Declaration. Text of the Agreement (in Spanish only)

International Forum On Partnerships
For Sustainable Development

4- 6 March 2004
FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy
Organized by:


OCTOBER 6/10/2003. WORLD DAY HABITAT: WATER AND SANITATION FOR HEALTH CAMPAIGN. MESSAGE FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF UN-HABITAT ANNA KAJUMULO TIBAIJUKA The theme this year of World Habitat Day on 6 October spearheaded by the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro is water and sanitation.
Never before has there been such clear international consensus that sustainable development starts with health and dignity. These fundamental conditions of human development cannot be met without sustained investment in safe water and basic sanitation
Read the full article 
NO TIME TO LOSEThe second meeting of the Bureau of the twelfth session of the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) took place in New York on 3 October 2003. Minister Børge Brende (Norway), Chairperson of CSD-12, opened the meeting given clear statements: "We have no time to lose when it comes to transforming global commitments into action at the local and regional levels."For more information visit http://www.un.org/esa/sustdev/csd/csd12/csd12.htm
THE CHALLENGE OF SLUMS – UN-HABITAT’s NEW GLOBAL REPORT ON HUMAN SETTLEMENTS October 1, 2003 -– The world’s slums are growing, and growing, with the number people living in such dire conditions now at the 1 billion mark – making up 32 per cent of the global urban population, according to UN-HABITAT’s new Global Report on Human Settlements 2003. The report published this month entitled, The Challenge of Slums, says the crisis is such that the world will see this figure double in the next 30 years unless a concerted effort is undertaken to alleviate the situation.More information: http://www.unchs.org/global_report.asp
MILENIO AMBIENTALMilenio ambiental is the magazine of EMS. Is a magazine of analysis, information and dissemination on subjects related to urban environmental management in the cities of Latin American and the Caribbean. Its contents will be of technical-scientific nature, as well as informative-analytic, from the collaboration
EMS AT URBIS 2003 Following a special invitation of the Sao Paulo City Government the EMS has participated at the International Fair and Congress of Cities URBIS 2003, an event that gathers public and private companies, NGOs and municipalities of Brazil and many countries. The objective of this Congress is to contribute to the modernization and strenghtening of the public administration of the cities. During this event, the EMS launched its Call 2003 within the framework of its Small Grant Research Programme and presented the Manual for Environmental Planning of Vulnerable Areas, based on the application of an Integrated System for Environmental Management (SIGA). See the SIGA presentation
The United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution A/RES/47/193 of 22 December 1992 by which 22 March of each year was declared World Day for Water, to be observed starting in 1993, in conformity with the recommendations of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) contained in Chapter 18 (Fresh Water Resources) of Agenda 21.
Source: UNESCO
March 5, 2003 - For the first time, 23 United Nations agencies and convention
secretariats have combined their efforts and expertise to produce the most comprehensive and up-to-date report on the state of the world's freshwater resources. 
Source: United Nations Freshwater Year Official Site
- 3rd WORLD WATER FORUM16/03/2003. Kyoto, JapanOrganized by: World Water CouncilIDRC WEBCAST Coveragehttp://worldwaterforum.idrc.ca/ 
- 22nd.  Session of the Governing Council/Global Ministerial Environment Forum 
3-7/02/2003 - Nairobi, Kenya.
More than 40 decissions were adopted on issues related to international environmental governance, water policy and strategy, environment and cultural diversity, among others.
Source: PNUMA (Decissions (full text) Word/500KB)

“Environmental Services Management for Vulnerable Populations in Central American Cities”
In the scope of its regional activities and in order to support municipal associations, the EMS is coordinating in Central America, together with IADB (Inter-American Development Bank), a project that is being implemented by FEMICA (Federation of Municipalities in the Central American Isthmus):  “Environmental Services Management for Vulnerable Populations in Central American Cities”.  This project provides assistance in environmental services management in vulnerable populations and sets out to strengthen the capacity of FEMICA in the provision of environmental services that might be useful to its members.  The first phase benefits municipalities in Nicaragua and Honduras. 
More information here (in Spanish only)

"Integrated Sustainable Development Environmental Management in the Palajunoj Valley, Municipality of Quetzaltenango, Guatemala"
In order to tackle local sustainable development, the EMS monitors a pilot project in Guatemala, together with two IDRC programs:  CFP (Cities Feeding People) and Eco-Health.  In this case, the role of the Secretariat is that of a multi-sectoral project coordinator involving the civil society and the productive sector to ensure the sustainability of Valle Palajunoj from the perspective of the Quetzaltenango city.  This initiative responds to the request of the municipal government, led by Mayor Rigoberto Queme, who aims at the implementation of a comprehensive approach to develop his municipal policy.  The agency executing the project in Guatemala is MUNI-K’AT. 
More information here (in Spanish only)
In line with the agreement signed on November 2000, between the MercoCities Network and the Environmental Management Secretariat for Latin America of the International Development Research Centre (EMS/IDRC), two projects have been developed:-   Diagnosis on Priority Aspects in Urban Environmental Management Policies in the MercoCities Network. Responsible: A.S. Carlos Fagetti  - Public participation in urban environmental management policies Use of the new information and communication technologies by the municipal governments of the Merco-Cities Network.  Responsible: Lic. Alén Pérez CasasMore information here (in Spanish only)
Wokshop in LAC aiming to implement Kyoto protocol to confirm LAC commitment

During the Regional Workshop on Formulation of Projects for the Clean Development Mechanism, held in Buenos Aires on November 25-28, 2002 it was presented the legal  and institutional framework of Uruguay on climate change issues.  Also, it was presented a study on CDM & Kyoto Protocol aplication in Uruguay, financed by IDRC. (available in Spanish only)
Canada's ratification of the Kyoto Protocol
Read the message from the Prime Minister of Canada, Jean Chretien

Kyoto Protocol receives 100th ratification
and may enter into force in early 2003. Ministers call for effective action to limit emissions. See press release: Widespread political support suggests Protocol may enter into force in early 2003

http://unfccc.int/press/prel2002/pressrel181202.pdf  MORE: UNFCCC site 
6-7 November 2002
São Paulo, Brazil

Rio + 10: What's next after the WSSD? With the purpose of providing an instance for reflection and exchange of visions, the EMS is inaugurating a series of interviews to men and women who eagerly followed the Johannesburg World Summit and who deeply reflected on the outcome of the summit.  We are pleased to inaugurate this new section with Minister Franco Micieli de Biase, EMS Advisory Committee member, an authority in environmental issues and  member of the official delegation of the Italian Government to the Johannesburg Summit. Read the interview
Case Study: GIS and Proposal for Territorial Planning at the Malvín Brook Basin in Montevideo, Uruguay
World Summit on Sustainable Development Documents - Local Government Declaration
- Draft Political Declaration
(PDF document - 168 K - direct link to the WSSD site)
August 15, 2002 - The voice of the Mercocities towards Johannesburg 2002
Mercocities and the EMS/IDRC organized a press conference for the launching of the Mercocities declaration towards WSSD 2002.  Ms. Stela Goldenstein, Municipal Secretary of Environment of the Municipality of Sao Paulo, Brazil, on behalf of the Mercocities illustrated the main topics of this declaration (read more...).
September 2, 2002 - From our origins to the future: the Johannesburg commitment on sustainable development Draft Political Declaration , submitted by the President and host of the Summit, Mr. Thabo Mbeki, President of South Africa (photo)  (PDF document - 168 K - direct link to the WSSD site)

Johannesburg 2002
August 15, 2002 - Launching of the Mercocities document towards Johannesburg 2002
Ms. Stela Goldenstein, Municipal Secretary of Environment of the Municipality of Sao Paulo, Brazil, has lauched this document at a press conference. (read more...).
August 5, 2002 (Montevideo, Uruguay) - Meeting on Clean Technologies for Latin America and the Caribbean.
As part of the cooperation between EMS/IDRC and DINAMA within the framework of the Basilea Convention and the Regional Coordinating Center of Training and Technology Transfer on Hazardous Wastes for Latin America and the Caribbean, the IDRC/LACRO represented by its Regional Director,  Dr. Federico Burone and Dr. Walter Ubal, Executive Director of EMS, participated on this meeting convened by the Secretary of Housing, Land Management and the Environment of Uruguay, Ing. Carlos Cat. Ambassadors and Representatives of Cooperation Agencies participated in this meeting. Within this framework, the Secretary informed that Uruguay, has received the official support of Switzerland to organize the next preparatory meeting. (see more - in Spanish)
Public-private partnerships on clean water systems and sanitation in San Fernando, Argentina
Study of indicators and methods to assess impact on the systems. (more ...
Innovative experience in LAC:   Study of public-private partnerships for the management of urban solid waste in the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador, El Salvador
Legal, institutional and socio-economic elements
to ensure the efficiency and sustainability of consortiums
Innovative experience in LAC:  
Multi-partnerships in the management of urban solid waste in the Municipality of Sao Bernardo, Brazil

Why would the private sector be attracted in integrating a consortium?   How could participatory actions be integrated to the routine tasks of municipal governments?  (more...)
(June 19, 2002)
World Environmental Day.Give Earth a Chance!
Today, June 5 we commemorate the World Environmental Day. It is a simple day, it is about life. In spite of considerable efforts made and significant achievements, many of the problems, which plagued the Earth during the 20th Century, still remain. More than ever, we need to take the necessary steps to bring again the environment at the top of the global agenda. To improve the health of the planet, serious steps should be done, but most of them begin with the urban governance. (
read more...)
June 2, 2002 - ECO-TOURISM: Unique Proposal from Latin America to the World Sustainable Development Summit in Johannesburg
“The Declaration of Galapagos” was signed by Environment and Tourism ministers and authorities and
sets out, in view of the Johannesburg Summit, to advance the development of tourism in the region according to principles of ecological sustainability. (more...)
Innovative experience in LAC:  
Micro-enterprises multi-stakeholders partnerships in the management of water in a municipality of the city of Lima

Public-private partnerships represented by municipality, citizens micro-enterprises and research centres to ensure water supply and quality in Villa María del Triunfo, Lima, Peru. (more...)
April 3, 2002 - Tomorrow's markets must respond to environmental and social trends - "Businesses that wish to survive and thrive in a global economy must respond to major social and environmental trends that are reshaping markets..." report released by  UNEP, WBCSD and  WRI



Contact: info@ems-sema.org